How To Detox Your Home

The interesting thing is that I lived my entire life ‘thinking’ i lived this healthy lifestyle. Little did I know that so many things within my environment were taking a toll on my health. 

The good news is that we have control of what toxins we’re exposed to within our environment. So, I’ve created the checklist below of certain things that one can do to reduce toxic load and live a cleaner, safer lifestyle.

How To Detox Your Home

The interesting thing is that I lived my entire life ‘thinking’ i lived this healthy lifestyle. Little did I know that so many things within my environment were taking a toll on my health. 

The good news is that we have control of what toxins we’re exposed to within our environment. So, I’ve created the checklist below of certain things that one can do to reduce toxic load and live a cleaner, safer lifestyle.

Healthy Home Checklist:



Use glass food storage containers instead of plastic.

Use glass water bottles instead of plastic. 


Filter your drinking water.

Choose reverse-osmosis. I use this one from Berkey


Install a shower head + bath water filter.

I shop at for this.


Avoid shower curtains made out of vinyl or plastic.

Choose fabric, hemp or organic cotton instead.


Nonstick cookware

Use ceramic, cast-iron, stainless steel, or glass – such as this one from GreenLife


Avoid canned food lined in BPA or plastics.


Avoid heavily sprayed foods.

There are 12 main ones that you want to be mindful of. Check out the dirty dozen here


Avoid fish high in mercury.

If you like salmon – choose wild sockeye salmon.


Avoid the use of air fresheners.

Choose to diffuse ‘pure’ essential oils instead.


Avoid personal care products that contain things like:

chemical dyes, fragrances, parabens, phthalates, SLS, formaldehyde and petrolatum.


Avoid scented laundry products.

Avoid fabric softener, and chlorine bleach. Use nontoxic, unscented laundry soap.


Make sure your mattress and pillow are pure.

The best options are natural rubber latex, organic wool, or organic cotton.


Protect your home against smart metre radiation

(almost every home has a smart metre). I use this shield cover.

Our home is our sanctuary. We all deserve to feel safe, comfortable and protected.


With love,

Deborah Xo


P.S Please share this life-saving information with others. You never know whose life you can change.

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